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and Happy New Year!
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method of bending
method of bending
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An exclusive tasting glass
An exclusive tasting glass
Альбомы и сертификаты
λ - 0,039 W/m*K
Soft, flexible fiberglass blanket, packed in rolls. Lightweight material that is best suited for use in non-loaded horizontal building struc... Application: pitched roofs, exterior walls, suspended ceilings, wall partitions, pipelines, sound insulation
λ - 0,042 W/m*K
Soft, flexible fiberglass blanket, packed in rolls. High thermal properties of the material combined with its ease of use, versatility and a... Application: suspended ceilings, floor batten
λ - 0,038 W/m*K
Soft, flexible fiberglass blanket, packed in rolls. Lightweight material that is best suited for use in construction. High thermal and sound... Application: pitched roofs, wall with ventilated facade, exterior walls, wall partitions, suspended ceilings, pipelines , industrial equipment and installation
λ - 0,037 W/m*K
Soft, flexible fiberglass blanket, packed in rolls. Lightweight material that is best suited for use in construction. High thermal and sound... Application: pitched roofs, wall with ventilated facade, exterior walls, wall partitions, suspended ceilings, pipelines , industrial equipment and installation
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