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Мerry Сhristmas

Metal Rat - a fighter for justice.

2020 год крысы

Despite the generally accepted opinion about these animals, the Chinese believe that such characteristics as wisdom, honesty, stamina, intelligence, developed intuition, prudence, perseverance, determination and a thirst for justice are inherent in the Rat. Unlike the Yellow Pig, the symbol of the outgoing year, the Rat does not hover in the clouds, does not seek adventures on its head and does not waste time in vain - it knows exactly how to make and build a fortune. Therefore, in order not to anger the White Rat, in the coming year give up all dubious actions, scams, do not deceive, do not break the law, be honest and noble.

2020 год крысы

2020 год крысы

In order to "appease" the metal rat (the coming year according to the Eastern calendar will be marked by this sign), Glassworks Neman’s designers developed a series of funny souvenirs in the form of the symbol of 2020. Cartoon rats and mice, in a bag, on an apple, made of lead crystal, in the form of a glass - for every taste and color! Souvenir rats and mice in transparent and colored glass and crystal, made in different techniques, are already delivered to the country's trading network and delight buyers.

2020 год крысы

2020 год крысы

On New Year's Eve, we especially believe that our world should become better, kinder, that happiness and success will certainly come to every home and every family. Give your loved ones the most precious thing - warmth, understanding and love!
May the New Year help to fulfill the most cherished dream, strengthen faith in the future; may success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything! Happy New Year! Happiness, peace and prosperity to you and your families!

2020 год крысы

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